If You Have a Medical Card, Where Can You Smoke Marijuana?

if you have a medical card where can you smoke

Photo by Cristian S. America’s medical marijuana revolution has brought relief to millions of people with a range of conditions. If your doctor believes you can benefit from medical marijuana, you acquire rights that others don’t have. But if you have a medical card, where can you smoke? It’s a hot-button issue that isn’t always…

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Kief vs Hash vs Weed FAQs

hash vs kief vs weed

Photo by Jess Loiterton Medical marijuana is bringing more people to cannabis but that can sometimes mean introducing strangers to a whole new language describing various cannabis products and processes. This can be a bit intimidating for a newbie wondering: what is weed vs. hash vs. kief? What does it all mean? People seeking medical…

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What are the Benefits and Risks of Using THC Pills?

Medicinal cannabis products have been growing in popularity since medicinal marijuana was legalized in California in 1996. This is turning the tide towards decriminalization across the country and the world. So it’s no surprise that multiple THC pills are now on the market. THC pills provide patients with a simple way to take cannabis: flavorless,…

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