Can You Get Medical Marijuana for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Maryland?

Can you get medical marijuana for carpal tunnel syndrom in maryland

Maryland patients may have a new treatment option for carpal tunnel syndrome: medical marijuana.  Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) impacts over 8 million Americans every year, and it can be difficult to treat. Extreme measures like wrist-splinting and surgery aren’t always effective, and conventional medications only offer short-term relief—often with severe side effects. Some states are…

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Can You Get Medical Marijuana for Bipolar Disorder in Missouri?

Can you get medical marijuana for bipolar disorder in missouri

Bipolar disorder affects more than 2.3 million Americans, about 1% of the general population, and a growing number are turning to medical marijuana as an alternative or supplement to conventional medications. The state of Missouri, though, won’t issue a medical marijuana for just any condition. You must have one of the state’s qualifying conditions. So,…

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Are Edibles Dangerous? A Guide for Medical Marijuana Patients

Are Edibles Dangerous A Guide for Medical Marijuana Patients

Cannabis edibles are extremely popular among medical marijuana patients because they’re smoke-free and easy to consume, but are edibles dangerous? You’ve undoubtedly heard the stories of “bad trips” resulting from overconsumption, but there are ways to enjoy these products safely. Most importantly, always get a doctor’s consultation before using edibles. A knowledgeable physician can advise…

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How to Use Marijuana Without Smoking it

How to Use Marijuana Without Smoking It

If you’re considering medical marijuana but you’re averse to the idea of smoking it, you have a range of other consumption options available. There are over 4 million legal medical marijuana patients nationwide, and this thriving marketplace has paved the way for a myriad of products and delivery systems, some of which are relatively new.…

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7 Key Maryland Medical Marijuana Laws Patients Must Know

Maryland Medical Marijuana Laws statue

There are several key Maryland medical marijuana laws every current and prospective patient must know. For instance, did you know that you can get into serious legal hot water for owning a gun as a medical cardholder? Or that your card-carrying status doesn’t protect you from disciplinary action at work? We’ve listed the most important…

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