Can You Get Fired for Medical Marijuana in Maryland?

Can You Get Fired for Medical Marijuana in Maryland

If you have a Maryland medical marijuana card, you can access cannabis without the threat of arrest—but that doesn’t mean you can’t get fired for using medical marijuana. If your employer imposes a workplace drug policy, you need to understand the potential ramifications of maintaining medical marijuana treatment.

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7 Key Maryland Medical Marijuana Laws Patients Must Know

Maryland Medical Marijuana Laws statue

There are several key Maryland medical marijuana laws every current and prospective patient must know. For instance, did you know that you can get into serious legal hot water for owning a gun as a medical cardholder? Or that your card-carrying status doesn’t protect you from disciplinary action at work? We’ve listed the most important…

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Corona Virus Update for Our Patients

The health and well-being of our Patients, Staff, and Community is our highest priority. Amid the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, Green Health Docs will continue to deliver the highest level of care with the greatest level of precaution. Below are some of the precautionary measurements set in place at all of our clinics.

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Growing Cannabis: Why Allowing Home Cultivation Makes Sense

At the end of the day, cannabis is a plant. That’s it. Cannabis grows in the ground. It drinks water and nutrients. It absorbs sunlight and grows sticky flowers. In some states, like Missouri, medical marijuana patients are actually allowed to grow cannabis. But in others, like Ohio, New York, Oklahoma and Maryland, the laws…

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