How To Become A Missouri Medical Marijuana Patient Caregiver
Missouri medical marijuana is fast approaching! Patients and patient caregivers can now apply for their official Missouri medical marijuana card or caregiver ID. We break down the steps that patient caregivers must take in order to successfully get their Missouri medical marijuana patient caregiver ID, and what this ID card entails.
Buying Cannabis With Your Missouri Medical Marijuana Card
Most medical marijuana Missouri patients won’t need a caregiver to obtain their medical cannabis. After seeing one of our physicians at Green Health Docs, a Missouri medical marijuana patient can apply for an official ID. If you don’t yet know how to apply, be sure to read our handy Missouri medical marijuana registration tutorial.
Once a patient has received their medical marijuana card, they can buy, possess, transport and use cannabis. A special ID is required for patients wishing to grow cannabis at home. This section is included in the patient application form, found on the Missouri Department of Health & Senior Services website.
Why Should I Apply To Be A Missouri Medical Marijuana Patient Caregiver?
Sadly, not every patient is capable of driving to a dispensary and buying their medical cannabis. A patient may be bed-ridden, disabled, hospitalized or even agoraphobic or suffering severe trauma from PTSD. There are also cases where medical marijuana is recommended for minors. In that event, a parent or legal guardian must obtain a caregiver ID in order to purchase and administer medical marijuana to their child, as well as fill our a parent/guardian form (found here).
In some states, caregivers can administer cannabis to multiple patients. This means that states like California, Michigan or Colorado offer cannabis delivery services, where caregivers pick up whatever a patient may need and deliver it right to their door. Thankfully, it looks as though Missouri will also allow this method of home cannabis delivery. We’ll keep you posted as we learn of more updates to the program.
Getting Your Missouri Medical Marijuana Patient Caregiver ID
Obtaining a Missouri medical marijuana patient caregiver ID is a simple process. It costs just $25 to the state to apply. According to the Missouri Department of Health & Senior Services, caregivers must meet the following criteria:
1. Applicants must be 21 years of age, or older
2. You must be legally responsible for the well-being of the qualifying patient (for example: spouse, guardian, parent, legal caretaker)
3. A caregiver must be designated on the physician’s (or primary caregiver) application for an identification card or in other written notification to the Missouri DHSS.
Caregivers can have up to three patients, and patients can have up to two caregivers. Caregivers also also allowed to grow cannabis for a patient, with proper authorization. To see the best method for a successful MO home cultivation application, read our tutorial here.
What Do I Tell My Doctor At Green Health Docs?
If you plan on visiting our licensed physicians at Green Health Docs, make sure you know whether you’re going to have a caregiver. If you will need a caregiver, tell your licensed Green Health doctor at the time of your appointment. It may also be worth noting at the time you schedule your appointment. Doing this ensures that the physician notes the designated caregiver in your medical marijuana application. This way your caregiver can apply without any hassle or unwanted issues. Once they have been granted a caregiver ID, a caregiver can buy, transport and administer medical cannabis anywhere throughout Missouri.
If you have any questions about obtaining your Missouri medical marijuana card, we can help! With offices in Kansas City, Columbia and St. Louis, obtaining your medical marijuana evaluation from Green Health Docs is easier than ever. We even offer an option to get your Missouri medical marijuana card online for patients who live far from our clinics. Call our support team at 1-877-242-0362 and we can help you get started today!