Missouri Medical Marijuana Certification Begins
Missouri medical marijuana certification has begun. This means that patients who have been waiting to get a legal Missouri medical marijuana card will finally be able to qualify. The state will open its medical cannabis registry July 4, 2019. Patients, however, can begin receiving their medical marijuana certifications from licensed medical marijuana physicians 30 days prior, beginning June 4, 2019.
Missouri Medical Marijuana Certification
After June 4, patients will be able to obtain their official certification from their medical marijuana doctor. Once the registry is open, these patients will be able to electronically register their certification with the state and receive their official medical marijuana card (once approved). A medical marijuana card grants a patient access to buy, grow, transport, possess and use medical cannabis throughout Missouri.
“Our patients are beyond excited to finally have access to a healthy alternative to opioids,” Dr. Anand Dugar, owner of Green Health Docs, stated. “They’re also excited to take part in Missouri history. Availability of medical cannabis is a game-changer for many patients, and the Show-Me State has now joined that powerful movement.”
You can view and print the certification form and bring it to your appointment with a medical marijuana doctor. If you are a current patient with Green Health Docs, just sit tight. However, if you have any questions, you can call our offices and ask our staff about the process of getting your form filled out and prepared ahead of registration.
How To Register As A Missouri Medical Marijuana Patient
According the Missouri Department of Health & Senior Services FAQ, “Starting on July 4, 2019, qualifying patients and caregivers can electronically submit applications through the Department’s secure electronic registry. Only applications submitted through the on-line registry will be accepted.”
Qualifying Patient online applications must include the following information:
1. Your name, date of birth and social security number.
2. Enter your Missouri place of residency.
3. Submit proof of Missouri residency. This includes a copy of a valid Missouri driver’s license, a Missouri Identification Card, a current Missouri motor vehicle registration, or a recent Missouri utility bill.
4. A valid e-mail address.
5. Physician Certification Form. This form must be included in your application. This form must be submitted no later than thirty days from the time you submit your application.
6. You can download the Physician Certification Form. Your licensed practitioner or medical marijuana physician must fill out this form and return it to you.
7. A Missouri-licensed physician who is active and in good standing is required to complete and sign your Physician Certification form.
8. The patient must photograph or scan their signed Physician Certification Form and submit it with your application.
9. You must include a legible copy of your state or federal photo ID.
10. A Parental/Legal Guardian Consent Form for non-emancipated qualifying patients.
11. A clear, color photo of the qualifying patient’s face taken within the past three (3) months.
12. You can include a statement indicating whether you are currently receiving assistance from any Missouri programs for low-income individuals, and if so, which programs. This is optional.
13. You must let the state know if you wish to seek the authority to home cultivate.
14. An attestation statement that what you are submitting is true.
15. A signature and the date you signed.
16. All applicable fees.
Once you register, you should hear back from the state within 30 days, if they have any questions about your application.
Qualifying for Missouri MMJ
The Marijuana Movement Expands
The details of Missouri medical marijuana dispensaries are still being hashed out. Dispensaries are expected to begin rolling out in early 2020. Medical marijuana patients will be allowed to grow their own cannabis plants — up to six female flowering plants, six non-flowering (or male) plants and six clones, for a total of 18 plants. To do so, patients must first obtain an identification card from the Missouri Department of Health and to follow the growing medical marijuana process.
“Missouri’s diverse culture and political landscape make it a great place to expand the medical marijuana movement,” Randy Shaffer, National Marketing Manager for Green Health Docs, noted. “The more people learn about medical marijuana, the more they understand who medical marijuana patients really are. These are not just stoners. These are real people struggling to find a safe alternative to medicines that are either dangerous, or haven’t worked for them at all. In fact, the more people learn about cannabis, the more they often realize they, too, might want to become a medical marijuana patient.”
Patients can call or stop by any of our Green Health Docs Missouri clinics to receive your official certification. To become a new Green Health Docs patient, dial 1-877-242-0362 for Missouri online evaluations or to visit our Missouri clinics. The support team at Green Health Docs can walk you through the entire process, from gathering medical records to obtaining your official Missouri medical marijuana card once the registry is active.