Can Your Edibles Expire? How Long do Weed, CBD & THC Gummies Last?

do edibles expire?

Photo by Elsa Olofsson Edibles offer a great delivery system for medical marijuana, especially for beginners. After all, smoking weed can be intimidating, but edibles offer all the beneficial cannabinoids without harsh smoke or requiring elaborate accessories like a dab rig or vape. Before you invest in edibles you may wonder, do edibles expire? How…

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What are Terpenes? Types of Terpenes & Effects

terpene flavors

Photo by Jane Doan THC has driven much of the world’s love affair with cannabis and a fair amount of its controversy, after all, the only thing separating legal weed from hemp is its THC content. However, it’s not the only important compound in cannabis. What about terpenes? Terpenes are chemicals found in everything from…

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Alpha-Humulene Terpene Effects, Benefits, Flavor & Strains

what is humulene

Photo by Joris Neyt Cannabis may be highly coveted and contested due to its THC content. However, the expanded adoption of medical marijuana across the United States has led to a greater understanding of the countless biological chemicals found within everyone’s favorite herb. Humuene is one of these compounds and its full list of medical…

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Can You Donate Plasma If You Smoke Weed?

can you donate plasma if you smoke weed

Photo by Nguyễn Hiệp Can you donate plasma if you smoke weed? Donating blood or plasma is a selfless act that has the potential to save somebody’s life. An estimated five million Americans receive blood transfusions annually for various reasons. Yet there is consistently a shortage of available blood and plasma, especially for rarer blood…

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What is Terpinolene? Terpinolene Effects, Benefits & Strains

What Is Terpinolene

Photo by Olia Danilevich Science is continually discovering a whole new batch of health benefits from the countless compounds found in cannabis. There are more than 538 chemical compounds in cannabis that are also found throughout the plant kingdom, and more importantly, interact with the human body. Terpinolene is one of these marijuana marvels. Besides…

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