Growing Missouri Medical Marijuana At Home
Growing Missouri medical marijuana at home is easy! We’ve already written up a handy guide to help patients understand how to grow cannabis. This Missouri home cultivation tutorial will walk patients through the process of obtaining their home cultivation license.
If you decide that growing medical marijuana is not a good option for you, Green Health Docs can help. We offer medical marijuana card certification in numerous states, and our licensed physicians can answer all your questions and help you to get approved. Green Health Docs has clinics located in multiple states across the country, and GHD even offers telemedicine evaluations. Contact Green Health Docs today. We are here 7 days a week to help.
Rules For Growing Medical Marijuana at Home in Missouri
Missouri’s medical marijuana program is moving ahead, full steam. This means that patients can now apply for their home cultivation license. This special ID allows patients with a Missouri medical marijuana card to grow, harvest and use cannabis they have cultivated at home. This is particularly welcome news because home cultivation allows patients to grow and use their medicine now, rather than wait for dispensaries to open.
The Missouri medical marijuana program has set several rules that patients must follow in order to receive a home cultivation license. You can read the full list of Missouri medical marijuana program rules here. Below is a breakdown the state’s rules, including specifics about indoor and outdoor home cultivation spaces:
Rule One: Locked Facility
Patient cultivation must take place in a closed, locked facility as established in 19 CSR 30-95.010.
An “enclosed, locked facility” means: (A) An indoor stationary closet, room, garage, greenhouse, or other comparable fully enclosed space equipped with locks or other functioning security devices that permit access to only the qualifying patient(s) or primary caregiver(s) who have informed the department that this is the space where they will cultivate marijuana; or (B) An outdoor stationary structure: 1. That is enclosed on all sides, except at the base, by chain-link fencing, wooden slats, or a similar material that is anchored, attached, or affixed to the ground and that cannot be accessed from the top; 2. In which the plants are not visible to the unaided eye from an adjacent property when viewed by an individual at ground level or from a permanent structure at any level; and 3. That is equipped with locks or other security devices that restrict access to only the qualifying patient(s) or primary caregiver(s).
Rule Two: Number of Plants
Patients can cultivate up to six (6) female flowering marijuana plants, six male plants and six clones at a time. Two patients can grow in the same facility. They are limited to twelve (12) female flowering plants, twelve male plants and twelve clones.
It is important to note that a qualifying patient who is also a primary caregiver for another patient may cultivate six additional female flowering plants, six male plants and six clones at a time. This would bring a two patient facility limit to eighteen (18) female plants, eighteen male plants and eighteen clones.
Rule Three: Growing Restrictions
Qualifying patients are not allowed to grow medical marijuana for other patients and non-patients, unless you are a licensed caregiver to that patient.
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Rule Four: Other Laws May Apply
Though the state allows for home cultivation, patients are still subject to whatever laws, rules or regulations they have with their property or place of cultivation, as well as federal rules, laws and regulations.
Rule Five: Labeling
All home cultivated medical cannabis must be labeled with the Missouri medical marijuana patient’s name. This label must be written clearly and easy to read!
Rule Six: ID Card Placement
Patients will receive a qualifying patient cultivation identification card with cultivation authorization. This card must be CLEARLY displayed at the cultivation area, in close proximity to your medical cannabis plants. This authorization shall list the name of the patient or primary caregiver, as well as the address of the facility where medical cannabis is being cultivated.
Missouri Home Cultivation Application
You can apply for your home cultivation at the time of your Missouri medical marijuana application. Please note: there is an additional $100 fee for this special ID. You can read more here. Make sure to mention these three things when you apply:
1. A detailed description of the cultivation area, like “unused, locked closest in patient’s bedroom.”
2. You must mention that the location is locked and secure
3. This area must only be accessible to either the patient or the patient caregiver.
Home Cultivation Application Example
Patients applying for home cultivation MUST provide a detailed description of their grow location. Patients must provide a detailed description of the lock and a note that the patient (and only the patient) have access to the cultivation space. Provide details about the lock, including combinations or whether the lock uses a key. It is important to be as descriptive as you can be when describing these details. Don’t write just one sentence. Be as thorough as you can be with your application. The longer, the better.
Here is an example of what you could write for an indoor application:
“I verify that the indoor cultivation space is at the address below. The space is locked using a Smith steel combination lock (combination 1-2-3). Only myself, the qualifying patient, has access to this space. No one else can access the cultivation space. This space is located in the left corner of the closet in the master bedroom. There are no windows in this space and it is not accessible to anyone but myself, the qualifying patient. This closet and the bedroom door are both locked with a deadbolt, and inaccessible to anyone besides myself, the qualifying patient.”
Here is an example for an outdoor application:
“I verify that the outdoor cultivation space is located at the address below. The location is enclosed in a steel shed, surrounded on all sides by secure, locked chain-link fencing. This fencing cannot be accessed from the top, or dug up from the ground as the fencing is affixed to the ground. The plants are not visible to anyone from outside the cultivation space, at eye level or even when elevated. The facility is equipped with security cameras and Smith steel a combination lock (combination 1-2-3). Only myself, the qualifying patient, can access this facility. Only myself, the qualifying patient, can see, view and tend to the plants inside the cultivation space. This space is locked and secure, not visible to anyone but the qualifying patient.”
Missouri MMJ On the Go
There are bound to be a few changes to the program. Be sure to watch this space for future updates as we obtain more news about growing Missouri medical marijuana. Let us know in the comments below if you plan on growing your own medical cannabis at home, or share with us pictures of your grow!
If you want to receive your Missouri medical marijuana card evaluation online or at one of our in-person Missouri green clinics, call us today at 1-877-242-0362. We certify patients throughout Missouri, no matter where you live in the state! Our friendly support team can answer all your questions about Missouri medical marijuana, and obtaining your medical cannabis card.