The Best Cannabutter Recipe Plus, Top 8 Mistakes to Avoid When Cooking with Cannabis

cooking with cannabis and how to avoid mistakes

As marijuana laws continue to evolve across the U.S., cooking with cannabis is becoming an increasingly popular activity among medical marijuana patients and recreational users alike. It allows for a simple and potent marijuana delivery system without a single puff of smoke.

If you’re new to the unique complexities of culinary cannabis, you’ll want to avoid some of the common cooking mistakes—lest you waste perfectly good flower on an unintended kitchen disaster.

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Can Your Edibles Expire? How Long do Weed, CBD & THC Gummies Last?

do edibles expire?

Photo by Elsa Olofsson Edibles offer a great delivery system for medical marijuana, especially for beginners. After all, smoking weed can be intimidating, but edibles offer all the beneficial cannabinoids without harsh smoke or requiring elaborate accessories like a dab rig or vape. Before you invest in edibles you may wonder, do edibles expire? How…

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What is a Tincture? Plus the Benefits of THC Tinctures

Photo by Dana Miller Plant medicine is more than just a clever euphemism for medical marijuana. There is a movement to use plants and botanical products to treat various illnesses and symptoms. For centuries, the goal of plant medicine has been to use homeopathic treatments like tinctures to capitalize on the natural health benefits of…

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What are THC Crystals, and How Do You Use Them?

Even though you love and use cannabis, you may not know that there is a pure form of THC crystals on the market called crystalline. If you want to try your hand at experimenting with pure THC, now you can. For some, the appeal of cannabis is that it is 100% natural, and our body…

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What are the Benefits and Risks of Using THC Pills?

Medicinal cannabis products have been growing in popularity since medicinal marijuana was legalized in California in 1996. This is turning the tide towards decriminalization across the country and the world. So it’s no surprise that multiple THC pills are now on the market. THC pills provide patients with a simple way to take cannabis: flavorless,…

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THC Syrup: What It Is and What Are Its Benefits and Risks

THC syrup

THC syrup is a simple, sweet way to use cannabis. You can use it as you would any other simple syrup: in cannabis mocktails, to glaze deserts, or simply take it by the spoonful like cough syrup. You wouldn’t think a simple edible product would be so controversial. But unfortunately, THC syrup can sometimes intentionally…

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Cannaoil Secrets & How to Make Homemade Cannabis Oil

Cannaoil, a.k.a. cannabis-infused oil, is more than just the secret ingredient of magic brownies. It offers diverse ways to dose medical or recreational cannabis by simply incorporating it into your cooking. You can use cannabis oil to make sweet or savory edibles; with cannabis coconut oil, you can even improve your coffee or use it…

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