Let’s Talk About Endocannabinoid Deficiency

Endocannabinoid Deficiency

Endocannabinoid deficiency is a relatively new theory quickly developing within the cannabis and medical community. It’s possible an endocannabinoid deficiency might offer an explanation for why some people are just “better” after using cannabis. We break down what research has been conducted, and whether endocannabinoid deficiency is really a thing. Spoilers…it is!

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The Different Methods Of Medicating With Cannabis

You remember the old stoner cliche. The hippy with the shades, tie-dyed shirt, dreadlocks and doobie burning away on that rusty roach clip. But smoking cannabis is just one method of medicating with cannabis. However, in many cases, it’s neither the best method, nor legal (as in the case with Ohio). But what other types…

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