Indica vs Sativa vs Hybrid – What is Hybrid Weed and What Does it Do?
Photo by Terrance Barksdale Cannabis has evolved from purchasing any type of weed off the street to superstores with countless strains designed to affect your body in specific ways. More people are pursuing the health benefits of cannabis but the options can be a bit overwhelming, especially if it’s your first time at a dispensary.…
Read MoreDoes Weed Make You Depressed? Exploring the Relationship Between Marijuana and Depression
Photo by Engin Akyurt Anxiety and depression are common mental health conditions that afflict millions nationwide. Approximately 21 million Americans have experienced at least one major depressive episode. But does weed make you depressed, or is cannabis the answer to your mental health problems? The relationship between pot and being depressed has been explored multiple…
Read MoreIs Weed Legal in Oklahoma? Plus Oklahoma Weed Laws & Oklahoma Marijuana Legalization Efforts in 2023
Photo by Yash Lucid Is Weed Legal in Oklahoma? While many forms of medical marijuana are legal in Oklahoma, weed is not legal in Oklahoma for recreational use. In order to gain access to medical marijuana dispensaries, you must first have a medical marijuana card. Apply here today! Oklahoma Marijuana Legalization Weed legalization has shifted…
Read MoreMarijuana and Anger: Does Weed Make You Angry or Can Weed Help With Anger Issues?
Photo by Alexander Grey The world is stressful, and many people find the best way to get over anger is to light up at the end of a difficult day. But with 9% of Americans reporting anger problems, does weed help with anger in most situations? Everyone gets angry and irritable occasionally, but if you…
Read MoreDoes Smoking Weed Make You Age Faster, or Does Weed Make You Look Younger?
Photo by Shelby Ireland Does smoking weed make you age? This is one of the biggest debates in the world of marijuana. While some studies into weed have found that it makes you age, other cannabis studies have found the opposite. And this is why it can make it challenging to make the right decision…
Read MoreWhy Does Weed Make You Hungry? Plus, More FAQs About Eating When High
Photo by Cotton Bro Studio Weed is well-known for making you feel hungrier. Otherwise known as the “munchies,” many people are urged to start eating because of increased appetite whenever they smoke cannabis or eat marijuana edibles. But why does weed make you hungry? Many people think it’s the THC that causes them to begin…
Read MoreMarijuana and Anxiety: Does Weed Make You Paranoid or Anxious?
Photo by Andrew Neel Marijuana has long been linked with paranoid thoughts and anxiety. An early study in 2014 tested the effects of THC and found that 50% of people reported paranoid thoughts, compared to 30% who received a placebo. But does weed make you paranoid? Unfortunately, many studies do not tell the whole story…
Read MoreDoes Weed Make You Dumber? Plus Other FAQs About Weed & Brain Cells
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio Does weed make you dumb? Does weed kill brain cells? This is perhaps the most common myth surrounding marijuana. And it is a scary story that many people receive from their parents and teachers. Yet of the 18% of Americans who smoked cannabis in 2019, no evidence has ever shown that…
Read MoreWhy Does Weed Make You Laugh? Plus More FAQs About Happiness, Giggling & Marijuana
Photo by RDNE Stock Project Do you ever find that you cannot stop laughing uncontrollably while smoking weed with your family or friends? This is not something unique to you. Genuine giggly cannabis strains exist, leading people to get the giggles they feel like they can’t control. Moreover, marijuana often makes people feel happy or…
Read MoreDoes Weed Make You Horny? What are the Best Weed Strains for Sex?
Photo by RDNE Stock Project Weed and sex have been connected for generations. Countless stoners have commented that they always love to have sex on weed. But is there any truth that you can be turned on while high or that you become hornier while consuming marijuana? According to a Gallup poll, more Americans smoke…
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