What is Terpinolene? Terpinolene Effects, Benefits & Strains

What Is Terpinolene

Photo by Olia Danilevich Science is continually discovering a whole new batch of health benefits from the countless compounds found in cannabis. There are more than 538 chemical compounds in cannabis that are also found throughout the plant kingdom, and more importantly, interact with the human body. Terpinolene is one of these marijuana marvels. Besides…

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What is CBN and What are the Differences Between CBN vs CBD?


Photo by Crystalweed Cannabis If you know anything about weed, you may have heard about the two most popular cannabinoids: THC and CBD. While THC is what gives cannabis products the psychoactive effects, many consumers are turning to CBD-heavy products for their therapeutic benefits. But there’s another CBD-adjacent cannabinoid you may not have heard of:…

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What is CBDA, and What are the Differences Between CBDA vs. CBD?

What is CBDA?

Photo by Kimzy Nanney CBDA is just one of many minor cannabinoids found within the marijuana plant. But unlike the hundreds of others, this is one of the most consequential. As scientists discover more about the effects and benefits of cannabinoids, it’s reinforcing existing literature and showing just how beneficial weed can be for a…

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