Can You Get a Medical Card for Insomnia in Florida

Can You Get a Medical Card for Insomnia in Florida in 2024?

Can You Get a Medical Card for Insomnia in Florida


Cannabis has become a popular sleep aid among both medical and recreational users. Half of long-term cannabis users claim to use it almost exclusively as a sleeping aid. So that begs the question, can you get a medical card for insomnia in Florida?

While research grows stronger by the day, the truth is that Florida law doesn’t specify insomnia as a qualifying condition for medical marijuana. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves — there are some specific cases where a card may be issued for sleep management.

Insomnia is defined as either a short- or long-term lack of sleep, primarily due to the inability to fall asleep at night. Experts estimate that about 10% of the world population has medically treatable insomnia, making marijuana a valuable prospect for managing sleep and stress.

Keep reading to learn more about the impact of cannabis on both insomnia and sleep deprivation — and how to get a medical card for it.


Qualifying Conditions for Medical Marijuana in Florida

Although Florida has yet to legalize marijuana for recreational purposes, the process for getting an FL medical card is relatively straightforward.

First, you must be a permanent or seasonal Florida resident to qualify for a medical card. If you check those boxes, you then must also be diagnosed with one of the following qualifying conditions for medical marijuana:

  • Cancer
  • Epilepsy
  • Glaucoma
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Multiple sclerosis (MS)

You may have noticed that insomnia is not specified on this list. But don’t worry — the Florida Office of Medical Marijuana Use (OMMU) states that several non-specified conditions may also qualify for medical cards.

The OMMU notes that any condition that’s similar to or comparable to the ones listed may also qualify for medical marijuana. Similarly, any pain-related ailments stemming from these conditions may qualify you for a medical card.

Once a qualified physician reviews your case, they may recommend marijuana as a possible treatment option. They’ll then enter you into the Medical Marijuana Use Registry, where you can get your Registry Identification Card and receive medical marijuana.


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So, Can You Get a Medical Card for Insomnia in Florida?

As we already outlined, insomnia is not mentioned on the qualifying conditions list. But you might still be able to get a medical card for it.

If your insomnia is severe enough to be medically diagnosable, it may be considered to be similar to or comparable to qualifying conditions. This will, in turn, allow you to take advantage of the exceptions mentioned on the OMMU’s website.

As such, some cases of insomnia may indeed qualify for medical cards.

The final decision will depend on the circumstances of your specific case, which a qualified physician will evaluate. But remember that you’ll have a better chance if your insomnia stems from any of these conditions or if it’s severe enough to qualify as similar or comparable to any of them.

If you think marijuana may be a viable solution to your insomnia, make sure you check with a doctor to get more details. A licensed physician can tell you if your case could qualify for a medical card or give you alternatives if it doesn’t.


Medical card for insomnia


The Effects of Cannabis on Insomnia

As any experienced weed enthusiast will tell you, marijuana is known to cause feelings of sedation and relaxation, making it the perfect choice for cases of insomnia.

But this isn’t limited to popular knowledge — thanks to the recent shift in perception concerning marijuana, research on cannabis as a sleep aid is growing stronger than ever. For example, this study shows that almost 95% of participants reported cannabis having a positive short-term effect on their insomnia.

Furthermore, the authors discovered that cannabidiol (CBD) rich products are more effective in managing sleep than tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) oriented ones. Similarly, products made from indica or hybrid strains were associated with fewer adverse side effects than sativa ones.

A 2019 review further claims that cannabis may be a promising prospect for treating insomnia, although more studies and research are needed to understand its impact fully. A later report boasted the same conclusion, also stating that part of the difficulty of researching cannabis is in its legal status on a federal level.


Schedule an Appointment With a Medical Marijuana Doctor in Florida Today!

While a qualifying physician will determine the specifics regarding your insomnia and medical marijuana, there’s hope for anyone experiencing sleep deprivation to get an FL medical card. At Green Health Docs, we support people looking to get their medical cards — be it for insomnia or any other condition.

To find out whether you qualify for a medical marijuana card in Florida, contact Green Health Docs today!


Dr. Anand DugarThis article has been reviewed by Dr. Anand Dugar, an anesthesiologist, pain medicine physician and the founder of Green Health Docs. Graduating from medical school in 2004 and residency in 2008, Dr. Dugar has been a licensed physician for almost 20 years and has been leading the push for medical cannabis nationwide.