What is Linalool? Understanding Linalool Terpene Effects

lavender terpenes

Photo by Pixabay Cannabis is finding wider circulation throughout the world due to its many medicinal benefits. While the average person may know about cannabinoids like THC and CBD, terpenes are not as popularly known. Terpenes are chemicals that give cannabis and fruits, vegetables, and other plants their distinct smells and flavors. Linalool is a…

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THC and Sleep: What Happens When You Sleep High?

what happens when you sleep high

What happens when you sleep high after smoking marijuana? Weed makes you sleepy, so many people will use cannabis for sleep, but there’s much debate over whether this is good for you. With approximately 16% of Americans saying they smoke cannabis or use other THC products, this is an issue afflicting potentially millions of people.…

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The Top 8 Benefits of a Medical Marijuana Card & Why to Get One Even in a Recreational State

benefits of medical marijuanas card

Photo by Budding The legal situation surrounding recreational marijuana has been fluid for some years, with some states choosing to legalize it and others preferring to follow the federal government’s guidelines. Despite this, 48 million Americans used weed in 2019, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Obtaining cannabis largely depends on where…

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