Does Smoking Weed Dehydrate You

Does Smoking Weed Dehydrate You Or Make You Sweat More? Why?

Does Smoking Weed Dehydrate You

Photo by Thomas Chauke

Reaching for a glass of water is not uncommon while enjoying your high. But does weed dehydrate you, or is it more complex than that?

While you may think that you are dehydrated, marijuana rarely causes dehydration. The only link between dehydration and cannabis use is Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome (CHS), which can lead to dehydration due to severe vomiting.

In this guide, we answer questions like, “Does smoking weed dehydrate you?” and “Does smoking weed make you sweat more?”

Why Does Weed Make You Thirsty?

Do you get thirsty whenever you smoke weed? Although this may appear to be evidence of dehydration, thirst sensations can arise from other causes.

Firstly, the thirst sensation from weed arises not from genuine dehydration but from one of the most common side effects of smoking pot: dry mouth.

As the most prominent psychoactive ingredient in cannabis, Delta-9 Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), these molecules bind to the receptors within your endocannabinoid system (ECS). These receptors are responsible for various physiological functions.

A dry mouth, or “cottonmouth,” occurs because of a temporary reduction in saliva production. Without enough saliva in your mouth, your brain sends signals that you are thirsty and need to work on your hydration. This applies regardless of how hydrated you actually are.

But why is weed dehydration a thing? The answer lies within the CB1 receptors within your body. These are present throughout the body, including in the brain. Since THC molecules bind easily to CB1 receptors, your saliva production becomes tempered.

According to a study by the National Institutes of Health, scientists have discovered that CB1 receptors are directly responsible for saliva production. Once you experience dry mouth, you may be thirsty but not dehydrated.

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Does THC Dehydrate You, or Is it Smoking?

THC does not dehydrate you in the conventional sense. Instead, it creates an illusion of thirst because of the impact of THC on your physiological functions.

To understand this, let’s examine the symptoms of dehydration according to the Mayo Clinic.

According to the strict definition of dehydration, this condition occurs whenever you use or lose more fluid than you are taking in. Dehydrated people do not have enough fluid to carry out their regular functions.

Some of the symptoms of dehydration include:

  • Extreme thirst
  • Dry skin
  • Dark-colored urine
  • Confusion
  • Fainting
  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • Irritability
  • Sunken eyes,
  • Kidney problems

Marijuana cannot cause dehydration because you are not losing any fluids by smoking cannabis. To be dehydrated, you must be actively losing or using the fluids in your body.

Again, the only exception to this rule is if you suffer from CHS. If you haven’t been diagnosed with this condition, it’s unlikely that you’ll ever experience dehydration from consuming marijuana. Just because you feel thirsty doesn’t mean your body is in dire need of fluid replenishment.

Does Tobacco Dehydrate You

Photo by Vitalina

Does Tobacco Dehydrate You?

Tobacco and cigarettes can dehydrate you. Although most people wrongly attribute this effect to smoking, smoking does not cause dehydration, even if it creates feelings of thirst.

Do cigarettes dehydrate you? Tobacco smoking can cause dehydration because nicotine is a diuretic. Anything classified as a diuretic causes your body to lose water. On the other hand, this diuretic effect derived from nicotine is nowhere near significant enough to cause major dehydration.

Where does this myth come from?

Unfortunately, this myth goes back to an 1887 book published by Dr. Rolleston. In his book, he said nicotine is a potent diuretic that can cause dehydration. This myth caught the public imagination, and it’s something that has been passed down from generation to generation ever since.

In fact, nicotine only has a mild diuretic effect compared to alcohol or caffeine. It will cause your blood vessels to narrow, leading to dehydration, but only extremely heavy smokers have a chance of becoming dehydrated from tobacco smoking.

Hydration and Edibles – Do Edibles Make You Dehydrated?

Edibles are simply ordinary treats that have marijuana infused into them. Since smoking marijuana doesn’t cause dehydration, there’s no reason to believe an edible would, either.

But what if you are sure that you do not have CHS and edibles still appear to dehydrate you?

This is not an issue with the marijuana but the other ingredients within gummies, brownies, and other edibles.

Edibles are likely to contain vast amounts of sugar and other ingredients because most edibles come in sweet treats. Sugar can contribute to dehydration as high blood sugar levels can cause cells to transfer water and increase urination.

Furthermore, whenever someone has high blood sugar, their body will often take water from other areas to ensure that cells retain a balanced volume. In other words, sugar can influence cellular hydration.

This would explain why diabetics experience extreme thirst and dehydration due to their conditions.

But unless you already consume a diet high in sugar or have undiagnosed diabetes, consuming edibles is unlikely to lead to dehydration. If you are regularly experiencing the symptoms of dehydration, you should seek out your doctor immediately for a comprehensive examination.

Does Smoking Weed Make You Sweat More

Photo by Kristina Chuprina

Does Smoking Weed Make You Sweat More?

Smoking weed and sweating is one of the most common side effects of consuming marijuana. But is this caused by THC itself or something else? Does weed make you sweat because of what’s inside?

It begins with your first cough. Your body triggers the coughing response whenever it detects something that should not be there in the lungs. When coughing up mucus, you are interfering with your body’s respiratory patterns, thus reducing oxygen flow, which can lead to sweating.

You may also experience sweating because of paranoia. If you smoke too much or take a highly concentrated marijuana dab, the influence of THC could cause you to feel anxiety or paranoia. This is indicative of people who consume far too much cannabis.

Anxiety and paranoia have long been associated with high doses of THC. According to the latest research, hitting a low to moderate amount of THC actually reduces anxiety in animals and humans.

In conclusion, if you sweat while smoking marijuana, it’s not the THC itself but the fact that you have likely consumed high-potency THC.

Does Weed Make You Sweat in Your Sleep?

Night sweating is normal. Everyone sweats while they sleep. But if you wake up with your clothes and sheets soaking wet, this condition is known as hyperhidrosis.

Hyperhidrosis can be caused by a range of factors, such as:

  • Menopause
  • Medications
  • Illnesses
  • Genetics

Some people suffer from hyperhidrosis permanently, but for most, it’s a temporary condition caused by something else.

If you experience excessive sweating while sleeping, this is a reason to seek out your doctor because you may have a problem that needs to be addressed. Sometimes, hyperhidrosis may be accompanied by weight loss and fevers, which is why so many people pass off this problem as a seasonal illness.

Does Quitting Weed Make You Sweat More

Photo by Ron Lach

Does Quitting Weed Make You Sweat More?

Quitting weed can lead to more sweating than usual due to Cannabis Withdrawal Syndrome. Approximately 47% of people quitting cannabis will experience some form of withdrawal. Thankfully, the majority of these symptoms last just two to three weeks in most people.

While quitting, one common withdrawal symptom is sweating. It may surprise you to learn that cannabis is actually considered to be a remedy for sweating. Scientists have found that cannabis cools the body down by lowering your overall body temperature.

This effect occurs due to the cannabinoids within marijuana and how they influence your ECS. In this study, it was found that cannabinoids bind to the vanilloid receptor, or TRPV1, which is responsible for regulating your body temperature.

In the absence of cannabis, your body reacts by producing more sweat than usual because your vanilloid receptors are no longer receiving the stimulation they’re used to. Like other symptoms of cannabis withdrawal, the extra sweating will dissipate in time.

So, does weed make you sweat at night while quitting? It can, but this is perfectly normal.

If you’re thinking about taking a break or hyperhidrosis is part of your life, what’s the best way to stave off cannabis withdrawal symptoms?

  • Avoid replacing marijuana with substances like caffeine.
  • Drink more water and avoid diuretics.
  • Come down slowly by choosing low-potency strains.
  • Get support from other weed users.

Cannabis withdrawal is nothing to fear if you feel like quitting cannabis for a short period. While sweating and thirst may be uncomfortable, these are not permanent symptoms and cause no long-term complications.

Apply for a Medical Marijuana Card & Find the Perfect Weed for You!

Does weed dehydrate you? No, but it can give the illusion of dehydration. If this impacts your cannabis session, switching out your usual go-to strain may be time.

Depending on your circumstances, you may qualify for access to your state’s medical marijuana program. If so, you could access high-potency weed and take advantage of significant cost savings on your trip to the dispensary.

Discover whether you could be eligible for an MMJ card online now. Contact Green Health Docs to learn more about getting your medical marijuana card.


Dr. Anand DugarThis article has been reviewed by Dr. Anand Dugar, an anesthesiologist, pain medicine physician and the founder of Green Health Docs. Graduating from medical school in 2004 and residency in 2008, Dr. Dugar has been a licensed physician for almost 20 years and has been leading the push for medical cannabis nationwide.