Do you know the difference? THC & CBD are the two most abundant cannabinoids found in marijuana. Both of them interact with your endocannabinoid system, but each has its very own unique and natural effects. Today, you’ll learn more about THC vs. CBD and see how they work beautifully together to provide relief from a variety of conditions and symptoms. So you ask what Is CBD? Well CBD, which refers to cannabidiol, is a chemical compound that comes from the cannabis sativa plant. It’s one of the plant’s many compounds and is a high-concentration cannabinoid.
Don’t know what cannabinoids are? Well, Cannabinoids are part of your endocannabinoid system (ECS), and they actively bind to certain cell receptors in your body. Your ECS is a large cell receptor proteins network with a wide range of functions. You have receptors throughout your body, like in your central nervous system, Digestive tract, Skin,Reproductive organs. Your ECS system controls processes like your Appetite, Mood, Ovulation, Immune response, Cognition, Sperm development and Movement.
So that’s a little run down on CBD. Now let’s talk about THC. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is probably the most well-known chemical compound in the cannabis plant. All marijuana strains contain THC, however, some are more dominant in THC while others contain very little. When you consume THC, it binds to your brain’s and central nervous system’s cannabinoid receptors to produce a euphoric, or as some call it, “high” effect.
Your brain’s cannabinoid receptors work with your body’s naturally-occurring endogenous cannabinoids. When produced, natural cannabinoids induce a mildly euphoric sensation similar to the effect of intense exercise. THC intensifies this sensation by inserting itself into this natural euphoria pathway. Cannabinoid receptors are associated with your Pleasure, Memory, Coordination, Time perception and Thinking. Uncovering THC at your receptor sites affects these functions. The exact effect depends on what natural cannabinoid level you have in your system, how much THC you consume and various other health factors. Remember, Each person reacts different.
Now that you have a brief understanding on what the two are, lets cover some basic similarities between CBD and THC. They are the two most prominent marijuana compounds. Although they’re only two out of over a hundred other cannabinoids in the cannabis plant, they make up the biggest quantities throughout the diverse strains of the plant. A variety of medical weed strains are made of both cannabinoids so they can complement one another, to better help your condition. While at first it might seem CBD and THC are completely opposite, they share some things in common. For example, how they grow and interact with your endocannabinoid system. THC and CBD are both developed within trichomes (plant outgrowths). These grow on the cannabis plant’s flowers and are small, mushroom-like structures. There are three primary species of the plant:
- Sativa
- Indica
- Ruderalis
Each one of these three species, as well as the distinct strains within them, contains different THC and CBD percentages. Budtenders over the years have bred strains to maximize both CBD and THC content. For instance, the Charlotte’s Web strain is high in CBD content, whereas Bruce Banner #3 is loaded with THC content. The chemical parts of CBD and THC mimic the endocannabinoids of your body, allowing them to interact with the cannabinoid receptors of your ECS to alter the release of brain neurotransmitters. Both THC and CBD interact with your endocannabinoid system to regulate various functions in the body like Appetite, Pain, Memory, Mood, Sleep, Immune response & Cycles of cellular life and death.
Now here are a few differences between the two. While there are similarities between the two cannabinoids, clear distinctions do exist. How they’re used and the nuances of their psychoactive effects. Let’s talk psychoactive effects. Although it’s well-known that THC causes you to feel “high,” many patients value CBD for its medical and non-psychoactive effects. THC produces the mind-altering, euphoric effects of the plant. This is because THC binds to your cannabinoid 1 (CB1) receptors found in your brain and changes how it functions, which in turn leading to the “high” feeling.
CBD doesn’t bind to your CB1 receptors. Therefore, it doesn’t produce the same psychoactive effects that THC does. CBD does affect the physiology of your brain and body, just not how THC does. Studies have shown that CBD could work as an antipsychotic and a mild antidepressant because of the way it interacts with your brain’s relevant receptors. Researchers also found CBD functions in over 60 various molecular pathways. So now, CBD-Hemp and THC-Cannabis. You’ll find both THC and CBD throughout the stalks, seeds and flowers of both marijuana and hemp. Both exist in marijuana plants in a wide array of magnitudes. However, CBD dominates hemp’s chemical makeup. THC dominates the cannabis plant’s chemical makeup. Although, CBD exists in hemp in higher quantities, while THC heavily saturated cannabis. Because hemp has greater CBD content than THC, it’s a useful source of CBD for medical marijuana. Some of THC’s most common effects today are Drowsiness and sleepiness, Relaxation and euphoria, Muscle relaxant, Painkiller, Appetite stimulant and Antiemetic. While Some of CBD’s common uses include Neuroprotective, Painkiller, Anti-anxiety, Anti-tumoral, Anticonvulsant and Anti-inflammatory. As you can see, while THC does have some medicinal purposes, CBD rules that department. I’ll list below some of the common safety and side effects people have experienced. These vary on each individual. THC’s psychoactive properties may cause temporary side effects, such as: Increased heart rate, Memory impairment, Coordination problems, Lowered reaction time, Red eyes and Dry mouth or as most call it “cottonmouth”. Most studies show CBD, even with large doses, is safe and well-tolerated. Although people have said some side effects are like Dizziness/Drowsiness and Dry mouth. So alot wonder how CBD and THC work together, what makes it such a powerful plant. Both THC and CBD provide people with positive effects on their own, but when you combine them together, even more benefits can happen. Studies have shown that when you combine THC/CBD, it has shown to Inhibit tumor cell growth, Work as an antidepressant, Relieve chronic pain, Stimulate your appetite, Relieve muscle spasms, Decrease inflammation, Promote relaxation, Improve overall well-being. The combination of marijuana compounds like CBD, THC and terpenes produce different physical effects is known as the entourage effect. The entourage effect is essential for causing some of the physical effects associated with marijuana.
For instance, CBD mitigates psychosis symptoms while THC is the perfect therapy for chronic pain. In other words, you don’t expect to experience any relief from psychotic disorders by substituting THC for CBD. In this regard, the two of them aren’t interchangeable. However, combine the both of them and you instantly have a whole range of new therapies and effects available to you. For instance, combining CBD, THC, terpenes and other medical pot compounds makes it possible to treat conditions such as: Migraines, OCD, Depression, Arthritis. The terpenes and cannabinoids by themselves, however, don’t produce these same effects. Essentially, you create this “synergy” through their combination. Synergy is when two + substances or other agents interact and cooperate to produce a combined effect that’s greater than the sum of their separate effects. Now you’re wondering what the pro’s and con’s to them are, right? Well, let’s go over that real quick.
Since CBD is a completely natural, organic product, it acts as an alternative to standard medicine for a wide range of health problems, CBD studies show that people who suffer from Mental disorders, Cancer, Depression, Nausea, Seizures, have benefited from CBD. The chances of experiencing any negative side effects with it are low, making it a safe solution. Nevertheless, there are some pros and cons of CBD to bear in mind as you weight your treatment options.
The medical community is just now discovering the variety of benefits of CBD. Some substantial health advantages of consuming CBD can Reduce Depression and Anxiety, Supports Muscle, Joint and Organ Health, Increases Appetite, Slows Down the Aging Process in the Brain, Supports brain health, Increases brain activity, Fights psychosis, Has antibacterial properties, Prevents and treats sight problems, Supports the circulatory system and the heart, Could treat and even prevent cancer, and Improves skin conditions. Now of course there’s always cons,
Although there aren’t many, you will find some with CBD. Some people experience side effects from CBD. The side effects, however, tend to vary from one individual to another based on their genetic predisposition and dosage, but these should be taken into consideration and speak with your healthcare professional about it before taken. It could have an effect on Drug Metabolism due to CBD causing inhibition of hepatic drug metabolism and a decrease in p-glycoprotein activity in some people. CBD may interact with some medications and treatments. Always consult your physician. Also, in response to CBD use, cytochrome P450 (liver enzymes) reduce their activity. These liver enzymes are extremely important for your body to function properly, since they are responsible for metabolizing the medications you take to treat your health condition.
So now let’s move on to THC and the pros/cons to it. You can find nearly endless amounts of information online regarding marijuana and its well-known cannabinoid, THC. Even though not all people can tolerate THC, most do truly benefit from its effects, and the fact that they’re so many ways to consume it (which we will talk about in our next blog) Users find it helps their mind, body and overall health. Most even say it helps their spiritual health and wellbeing.
Individuals report that THC is challenging to take because it doesn’t “sync” well with their body and body chemistry for several reasons. Remember each person is different, and has different reactions/thoughts, but here are a few of the pos/cons of THC. Let’s start with some pros of THC. It Relieves Anxiety and Depression, Reduces Discomforts From Chemotherapy or Radiation Therapy Cancer, for many, typically means chemotherapy or radiation. Both procedures can leave you with Nausea, Fatigue, Pain and Lack of appetite. However, THC can help diminish these and other symptoms of radiation or chemotherapy. THC is known to Enhances Creativity, Productivity and Makes You More Social,which alot of us suffer from nd could use a little pick me upper to help with it. So let’s address these cons real quick. Some cons of THC include, Causing Paranoia and Increase Fear and Anxiety,Nearly all marijuana strains come with the potential to produce negative side effects. Most strains cause red and dry eyes and dry mouth, both of which are managed easily. But in some cases, when taken in high doses, THC could produce anxiety and paranoia and increase the fear response — especially in those who already suffer from a mental condition or mood disorder. THC May Cause Nausea, Dizziness or a Headache, which is why some users tend to go to a higher CBD strain rather then an high THC one. It can Cause Red, Dry Eyes and Dry Mouth, While uncomfortable, they’re managed easily so that is a small con in our eyes 🙂
So what does CBD treat? Here are some potential medical benefits of CBD:
- Epileptic Seizures: In animal models, CBD showed anticonvulsant effects for partial seizures in the temporal lobe, according to a study. Evidence from the study supports CBD as a potential therapeutic alternative for a range of human epilepsies.
- Severe Neurological Diseases: CBD can help treat severe neurological diseases such as multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. CBD can protect nerve cells from degenerative diseases, researchers discovered, when breaking down their research to the molecular level. They refer to this as CBD’s “neuroprotective effect” and is the cannabinoid most promising aspect.
- Cancer: Trials show CBD has a potent anti-tumor effect. CBD slows down the progression of certain cancers like lung, breast, colon and prostate cancer.
- Mood Disorders: CBD effectively treats PTSD and other mood disorders. It helps people to forget their traumatic memories. These are incredible findings which may help researchers figure out how CBD can treat other stress and anxiety disorders.
- Chronic Pain: THC plays a big role in this category, but CBD is also a powerful painkiller. In fact, CBD, when combined with morphine, works well in treating acute pain and counteracts the risky side effects of the morphine.
- Inflammation: Medical marijuana is highly valued for treating inflammation. But in this regard, both CBD and THC receive credit. CBD does have its own special anti-inflammatory qualities — it binds with your ECS to generate a response to reduce nerve inflammation.
Of course we couldn’t leave out THC benefits! There are potential medicinal benefits of THC as well, including:
- Cancer: A benefit of THC is the promise of being a huge part of any cancer treatment. THC has “cancer-killing” properties, according to some studies. Researchers who’ve already investigated cannabis’s effects on animal tumors claim THC causes the cancer cells to consume themselves. THC showed incredible results in the form of reduced cancer cell prevalence and shrunken tumors.
- Inflammation: THC has an effect on your immune system and works as a potent anti-inflammatory drug. An underlying factor contributing to many diseases is inflammation, which means THC now plays a role in treating these diseases.
- Chronic Pain: THC’s most popular medical use is being a pain reliever — especially when you compare it to the addictive and dangerous opioids now flooding the pharmaceutical market. THC is much safer. From mild, temporary muscle soreness to persistent neuropathic pain, THC has the capability of reducing inflammation and stimulating dopamine release, similar to opioids, making it a potent medication for treating pain.
- Mood Disorders: Along with also helping patients with PTSD and forgetting traumatic memories, like CBD, THC’s short-term effects can help improve mood disorders like anxiety and depression.