Can You Get a Medical Card for ADHD or ADD in Your State?

medical marijuana for adhd

Photo by Tara Winstead

In Which States Can You Get a Medical Card for ADHD?

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a major condition of our times. It can rob people of fulfilling lives and many may not realize that it not only affects children but also adults. It can make it challenging to focus on tasks and, for some, it can impact your overall executive functioning. Can cannabis be the answer?

While many people may have ADHD diagnoses they may want to avoid prescriptions to avoid stimulants or potentially addictive substances. Is it possible that cannabis could be the answer? What states in the US allow for cannabis to be prescribed for ADHD?

This post will cover the basics of ADHD and cannabis and getting your medical card for ADHD.

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What are the Benefits of Medical Marijuana for ADHD?

Cannabis users have found that certain strains can help with focus as well as boosting creativity and can even help with studying. However, it is important to note that the brain chemistry of people with ADHD is different.

There hasn’t been sufficient study into the benefits or effects of cannabis use on people diagnosed with ADHD. One study did find a correlation between people with ADHD and substance use disorders.

The study found that people with ADHD might be more likely to develop a cannabis use disorder or addiction. However, that study also acknowledged that many people with ADHD will use cannabis to self-medicate and address their symptoms.

Another study explored the connection between people who sought out cannabis for their ADHD on online forums and valuable data that could be gleaned from that. Again, there are some people who are team cannabis and others who avoid it. The jury is still out.

Another study sought to explore the connection and found the results to be inconclusive. Luckily, as medical marijuana gets legalized throughout the US more studies will be explored to examine its potential in treating conditions like ADHD.

The benefits and relationship between ADHD and cannabis are all still unclear, However, are there states where you can get your medical marijuana card for ADHD?

marijuana for adhd

Photo by Nubelson Fernandes

Where Can You Get a Medical Card for ADHD?

Medical marijuana cards often require a condition where doctors have decided that cannabis can be an effective treatment. This is often decided at the state level as certain medical conditions are decided as legally able to receive a medical marijuana recommendation.

While ADHD is not quite there yet, there are a few states in the US where it is at the doctor’s discretion whether they want to prescribe cannabis for your condition. Additionally, given the potential abuse of ADHD drugs a doctor may opt to prescribe cannabis in lieu of prescribing potentially addictive stimulants like adderall.

Here are some states where you can get a medical marijuana card for ADHD. Again, none of these are directly prescribed for ADHD but states where the law will allow you to get your medical recommendation.

The following states have medical marijuana programs where any condition that a doctor believes would benefit from a cannabis prescription is at their discretion. This means if your doctor decides that your ADHD could benefit from medical marijuana you could get your recommendation:

  • California
  • Maine
  • Massachusetts
  • Rhode Island
  • Washington, D.C
  • Oklahoma

In Missouri, patients may qualify if a physician determines they have a chronic medical condition normally treated with prescription medication that could lead to dependence. ADHD might fall under this category depending on the physician’s assessment.

New Mexico has considered ADHD a few different times. While it has not allowed for ADHD, as of 2020, it has considered making it available to adults only. With more study, this may change and a doctor may be able to help you receive a prescription for a similar or related condition.

can you get a medical card for add

Photo by Nicole Plunkett

How to Get a Medical Card for ADHD in Your State?

One simple way to get medical marijuana for any qualifying condition is to reach out to Green Health Docs. The process is seamless and the doctors are well-versed in the regulations regarding medical marijuana in your state and can help you get your medical card. They also may be able to help you find another qualifying medical condition.

If you cannot qualify for a medical card for ADHD in your state you do have a few different options. You can explore similar products that might not require a medical marijuana recommendation like CBD, Delta-8 or Delta-10 THC. These legal options can help you explore if cannabis is the answer.

Additionally, you can work with your local government to add ADHD to your state’s collection of approved medical conditions. Each state varies in the process for adding medical conditions but this can be a worthwhile endeavor not just for you but for other potential patients.

Final Thoughts

ADHD is becoming one of the more pressing issues of our times. As medical marijuana revolutionizes the way we approach medicine, time will tell if people with ADHD can find help from cannabis.